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Topic: 2007 C6 A/C question

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2007 C6 A/C question (1/5)
 8/29/09 8:51am
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Joined: 7/19/2009
Posts: 2

Periodically the A/C just switches off.  Simply pushing the A/C button puts it back on but the dealer can't find the problem since it doesn't happen with the car is in the shop.  Any thoughts?
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2007 C6 A/C question (2/5)
 8/30/09 10:10am
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Copperas Cove, TX - USA

07 Machine Silver Coupe 6 sp pattle shift auto 72 Stingray convertible

Joined: 8/6/2008
Posts: 58

Mine did that one day but after driving it for awhile I realized I had hit the little snowflake button by accident. Next time it does it look and see if that button is lit up. I must have done it when grabbing the shifter (probably shouldnt have admitted this).
2007 C6 A/C question (3/5)
 8/30/09 10:18am
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Joined: 7/19/2009
Posts: 2

Thanks for the reply!  I did consider whether it was that or even the big buttons that control the whole operation.  It happens when my hand is nowhere near the buttons, so I think I can discount that possibility but I do appreciate your response!
2007 C6 A/C question (4/5)
 9/1/09 3:35pm
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2007 C6 Convertible Velocity Yellow Colour Matching Rocker covers, signed by Ron Fellows

Joined: 1/25/2008
Posts: 7


Just a thought, but could it have anything to do with the temperature setting?  I believe the car has a thermostat in its AC controls based on the temp.  Perhaps this is malfunctioning?

Mine works, but I do know that if I turn the cabin/corkpit (whatever you want to call it) temperature down low enough, the AC will kick in all on its own.  Frankly, I have to keep turning it off (I have a convertible and having the AC on, to me, is a contradiction, you know?)  Anyhow, I would guess that if this is thermostat regulated, that it is malfunctioning perhaps.

If there is no thermostat, then it is worse - I would say computer issue, as the AC is still regulated by what the cabin temperature setting on the controls.

Just my 2 cents worth.


'07 C6 Convertible Velocity Yellow 'PHINALLY'
2007 C6 A/C question (5/5)
 9/5/09 2:49pm
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2001 Intimidator Corvette Coupe, Torch Red, 6 speed, 17K miles

Joined: 5/16/2003
Posts: 185

Is it the FAN that switches off ... or the A/C (cooler temperature) ... or both?  I am assuming you hear the fan cut out.  Next time it happens ... stop the car (for safety purposes), put your hand near the vents to determine if the cooler air is still coming out (without assistance of being forced out).  Remember to check BOTH sides of the car ... I am not sure if dual zone A/C has any impact on the fans ... or whether the L/R difference is in temperature alone.
As an aside, is there any chance that the A/C is on automatic climate control ... and merely cutting back on the fan, after reaching and maintaing its proper cabin temperature? 

2001 Intimidator Coupe, 19K miles
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