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Topic: Gas filler door release

in Forum: C6 Electrical

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Gas filler door release (1/3)
 2/29/08 4:41pm
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New Port Richey, FL - USA

2005 Lemans Blue Coupe.

Joined: 5/24/2007
Posts: 5

Just today, the gas filler door stopped opening by pushing the button. I know about the manual release. When I push the button, I just hear a clicking sound under the dash on passenger side, like a relay. Has this happened to anyone else? I haven't checked for a fuse as I probably wouldn't hear anything if it was a fuse.

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Gas filler door release (2/3)
 3/1/08 8:12am
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New Port Richey, FL - USA

2005 Lemans Blue Coupe.

Joined: 5/24/2007
Posts: 5

OK, I've determined that it must be the fuse for the gas door release. I took a look at the fuse block beneath the carpet on the passenger side. The schematic shows the fuse being on the bottom row. It's not there. There is a black rectangular box and I removed the cover expecting the fuses to be behind it. Nope. Where is the fuse?

Gas filler door release (3/3)
 3/10/08 11:46am
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Wading River, NY - USA

1978 Coupe 1991 Coupe 1973 Coupe 1992 Convertible 2005 Coupe

Joined: 2/29/2008
Posts: 5

the same thing happened to my 05 last week. I have read that it is due to the cold (it was VERY COLD). Used the cable to open the door, then lubed the actuator with some WD40. works fine now. Not sure where the fuse is located, but if you are hearing the clicking noise, the relay IS getting power. I would suggest lubbing the pin.
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